How to Remove a Computer Virus or Malware Using Malwarebytes
Malwarebytes is an anti malware/virus removal tool that is used by professionals and is extremely useful when your computer is running poorly due to toolbars, malware, spyware, adware, scareware or viruses. If you run this tool on a monthly basis it will greatly improve the function of your computer. This program not only removes malicious […]
CEO Email Fraud
Junk e-mails and scams have become so commonplace that we often forget about how dangerous they can truly be. One unidentified American company recently learned the dangers of underestimating scams the hard way – to the cost of almost $100 million dollars. The company fell victim to a kind of scam known as “CEO email fraud,” […]
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can save you a great deal of time if you know how to use them effectively. There are countless shortcuts that you can utilize in Windows 10. In this video we will cover a few of the basics and some new shortcuts that were introduced in Windows 10. We will also show you […]
Customize Windows 10 “Life at a Glance” Start Menu
Have you taken the time to set up the Windows 10 “Life At A Glance” start menu? One of the great aspects of Windows 10 is that it is highly customizeable. If you spend a lot of time on your computer than it will save you time and energy to customize your desktop and start […]
Windows 10 Virtual Desktops
Windows 10 virtual desktops give you an excellent way to organize your virtual life into categories. Whether you are trying to separate your personal life from your work life, or if you need to keep your applications separate for work projects, virtual desktops are the way to go. You can open as many virtual desktops […]
Setting Up Email Signatures In Outlook 2013
If you are new to Outlook the first thing you are going to want to do is set up an signature that will automatically be included in every email that you send out. If you wear more than one hat, you can set up multiple signatures so that you can tailor your responses from one […]
How to avoid malware and viruses in your email
There are a few best practices for avoiding malware and viruses that if you follow, will greatly reduce the number of infections on your computer and company network. In this video we will focus on how to filter through your emails to look for the red flags of most social engineering scams. These emails are […]
W2 Phishing Scam
One of the scariest things about phishing scams is how intelligent they can be! One very intelligent phishing scam that’s recently been making the rounds is known as the W-2 phishing scam – and it’s targeting CEOs. Phishing scams are emails sent by scammers for the purpose of gathering sensitive information like usernames, passwords, or credit […]
Windows 10 Privacy Settings
Targeted advertising requires some degree of tracking to know what your interests are. Some people will not care if Windows 10 is watching their every move, however, it is always good to know that you have a choice to remain anonymous. After all, not everything you do on your computer is something you want the […]
How To Restore A PST File In Outlook
In this video we will show you how to restore a .pst file in Outlook 2013 on the Windows 10 operating system. There are many reasons why these files get corrupted and knowing these few simple tricks can help save you time and money. Not having to call your IT support team in the event […]