How to use Relative and Absolute Cell References in Microsoft Excel 2016
When working with a Microsoft Excel 2016 data table you may find that it is useful to define a constant outside of the data table rather than repeating it in every cell. Suppose you are trying to apply three different tax rates to a data table and you need to be able to adjust those […]
Microsoft Excel 2016 Training “IF” Formula with “NOT” and “OR” Operators
In the last two Microsoft Excel training videos, we focused on using the “IF” formula, its Boolean operators and how to nest an IF statement inside of another IF statement. Today we will finalize our training on Excel IF formulas by reviewing how to use “NOT” and “OR” operators. The NOT and OR operators are […]
How to prepare for ransomware
Lately, there has been a lot of talk about ransomware: a type of computer virus that encrypts your files and holds them for ransom. Worse yet, there is no guarantee that your data will be released if you pay the ransom fee. In light of the most recent ransomware attack called “WannaCry” that infected a substantial number of […]
Microsoft Excel 2016 Nested ‘IF’ Formula
In our last video, we covered how to use “IF” formula in Microsoft Excel 2016. The IF formula allows you to ask a cell in a spreadsheet if a statement is true or false. This basic formula will allow you to build complex calculators in Excel which will help you be more efficient in your […]
How To Use Microsoft Excel 2016 “IF” Formula
One of the most powerful functions of Microsoft Excel 2016 is the logical formula. Especially the “IF” formula. The IF formula is a way for you to apply logic to your spreadsheet cells to make customized calculations just by entering data. It takes a little practice but once you get used to this function you […]
Set up and switch between user accounts in Windows 10
If you have more than one user account on your computer you will soon realize the frustration of trying to log into your account only to find that your password doesn’t work. Usually, this is caused by the user unknowingly trying to log into the wrong account. This is a simple but common mistake that […]
Microsoft Outlook 2016 Out of Office Auto Reply
Are you going on vacation? Don’t forget to set your “Out of Office” auto email reply in Microsoft Office 2016. In this video, we will show you how to set up and schedule an automated reply so that you don’t have to worry about emails going unanswered while you are away. If you are worried […]
Scam Email and Phishing Attempts
As an IT support company, we are always telling our friends and clients to be cautious with what they click on or whom they give personal information to. Most people know to avoid giving money to a Nigerian price, but scams and phishing attempts are becoming more advanced every day. Many scam emails disguise themselves as people […]
Microsoft Outlook 2016 Task and ToDo Lists
One feature that frequently goes overlooked in Microsoft Outlook 2016 is the task feature. If you need a to-do list or a task list, you are probably more likely to find a third party tool rather than using the one that is built into Outlook. This feature works well, but is little known even among […]
Microsoft Outlook 2016 – How to create an email signature
Everyone needs an automatic signature in their email. Setting one up is a simple process if you follow the steps in this how-to video. Generally, an email signature is made up of your name, job title, company name, phone number(s), extension, website, and reply email address. The important thing to consider is how much information […]