The Human Element of Data Security

Protecting company data after employees leave Network security is an important concern for small businesses in every industry. A lot of effort is put into protecting sensitive information from technological influences, and these technological measures are incredibly effective at doing their jobs. However, it is common for businesses to forget the ‘human’ side of information security […]

FBI Releases Warning

The consequences of phishing emails.  Two days ago the FBI and the Crime Complaint Center (IC3) put out a press release warning of a new man-in-the-middle attack. The FBI has dubbed this attack the “Business E-Mail Compromise”… Very original of them! This attack has primarily targeted CEO’s, CTO’s, CFO’s and sometimes Controllers. Over the last 14 months there have […]

New Hoax Spreading Malware

If you receive emails claiming to be from the ISIS, delete them. There is a new hoax going around that everyone needs to be aware of. A major influx of emails have been spreading around Australia and the UK proclaiming that it has been sent from the ISIS and it describes an attack that will take place on the United […]

Windows Server 2003 End of Life and Compliance

In last month’s newsletter special attention was given to the date July 14, 2015. This date is important because it marks the end of Microsoft’s support for the Windows Server 2003 Operating System, which is currently used by millions of businesses worldwide. Last month we focused on some of the general dangers of continuing to […]

Upgrading to Outlook 2013?

Whats new in Outlook 2013? If your merging to Outlook 2013 from an older version of Outlook or from another mail platform entirely there are some thing you will need to know. Outlook 2013 has been upgraded in many ways to provide a cleaner, more seamless experience for the end user. Highlighted below are a […]

Outlook Auto Response Set Up

How To set an auto response in Outlook.  If you are going to be out of town for the holidays it’s always a good idea to set an auto response letting your customers know when you will return and in the case of emergency, who to call. If you use Microsoft Exchange you can use the […]

Putting Data Loss in Perspective

Sony Gets hacked!  If you’ve owned a computer for any length of time you’ve probably had the misfortune of losing some family photos or that report you’ve been working on for weeks. If you are an office administrator at a company you’ve probably had to deal with the hassle of viruses, malware or ransomware. Whatever the case may be, […]

VirRansome! New Virus Alert.

The latest strain in Ransomeware  There’s a new strain of Ransomeware on the loose that everybody needs to watch out for. VirRansom, as it’s been dubbed, is the newest Cryptolocker variant. Most Ransomware up to this point has been classified as a malware. However this new strain is actually a virus. As you may remember from […]

Windows Server 2003 :( Good Bye

What to expect as Windows Server 2003 reaches End of Life  On July 14, 2015 Microsoft will be ending support for the Windows Server 2003 operating system. This may seem like a piece of news that has no effect on your business, but if you are still using the Windows Server 2003 at that date […]

Windows 10. What Windows 8 should have been? 

Is Windows 10 something to look forward to? Are you tired of Windows 8 yet? If your’e like most people, you’ve been nursing Windows 7 in the hopes that Windows 10 will bring about the new features and user interface of Windows 8 with the simplicity and familiarity of Windows 7. Unfortunately, Microsoft decided to learn the hard way that […]

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